Cats and Plants

Indoor plants have made another comeback; and we understand why. Multiple studies have shown the many benefits having indoor plants can have on you, but what about your pets?
Quite a few indoor plants can be toxic to your animals so it's important to know which ones will need to be moved prior to bringing your kitten home.
Some common house plants that are toxic to your cats, at a glance:
Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)
Fiddle leaf fig
Pothos (Devil’s ivy)
English Ivy
Snake plant
String of pearls
We recommend you grow bowls of cat grass around your home, this helps with digestion and fur balls and may also give them a plant 'fix' without compromising their health.
Bringing cut flowers into your home also needs to be given some thought as the ever popular Lily (Lilium and Hemerocallis) in bouquets are beautiful, but deadly to cats. Ingestion causes nephrotoxicity (acute kidney failure). All parts of the plant are toxic, including any water they've been sitting in. If you suspect your cat has come into contact with a Lily, IMMEDIATE veterinary attention is required.
The following are some of the lilies that are toxic to cats to help you with identification if you end up receiving a bouquet as a gift: